An erection problem is typically not “all in your mind.” In fact, many erection problems actually have a physical basis. One of the most common physical causes of erectile dysfunction is low testosterone levels in men. In men, testosterone controls the amount of overall sexual desire and activity, as well as the size and strength of the erections that are produced during sexual intercourse. Testosterone plays an important part in how the body behaves and functions. As such low levels of this hormone can create a number of serious problems for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction.
Another physical cause of an erection problem that can be difficult to detect is decreased blood vessels in the penis. The lower the amount of blood vessels and capillaries in the penis, the weaker the erection will be. The decreased blood vessels make it more difficult for the nerves in the penis to receive the signals from the brain that they need to become fully erect. These nerves regulate the amount of blood that is present in the penile shaft and are affected by many erection problems.
Some other physical causes of erectile dysfunction can include certain illnesses or conditions. Men with erectile dysfunction may suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, a heart condition, or an internal neurological disorder. Each of these conditions can lead to erectile dysfunction and may make it more difficult to achieve a firm, lasting erection. Depression is also commonly associated with erectile dysfunction. However, depression is a very minor contributor to erectile dysfunction and many patients find that their depression does not interfere with their sexual activity at all.
Other physical problems related to erectile dysfunction can include hypothyroidism and Parkinson’s disease. Hypothyroidism deals with the pituitary gland, which produces the hormones that allow an erection to occur. In Parkinson’s disease, which is a form of Parkinson’s disease, the nerve cells in the penis stop receiving signals from the brain and no longer respond to impulses. A decline in body temperature makes the skin feel colder, which can inhibit nerve impulses. Physical problems related to these two psychological conditions can interfere with your erection and make it hard to maintain one.
If you have one or more of the above physical conditions or have had depression or another psychological problem, you should consult your doctor. He or she may want you to undergo tests such as blood tests to see if your hormone levels are low. Your doctor may want you to have a series of injections of estrogen to help stimulate your ovaries. Finally, your doctor may recommend that you have a thorough physical exam. This exam will help him or her to diagnose and treat your condition.
Erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems can have numerous causes. Fortunately, there are many different treatments available for men with sexual dysfunctions. Your physician and his or her staff can help you find the treatment that is right for you. Consult them today for a complete assessment of your condition and possible ED treatments for men.
An erectile dysfunction problem is also known as impotence or erectile dysfunctions. Erection problems are sometimes also referred to as male ejaculatory dysfunction. Most men at one time or another have erection problems. This is completely common.
Erection Problems can have many causes. Illness or physical conditions are usually the most common, but stress, too much alcohol or tobacco use and some emotional issues can also cause erection problems. Sometimes erection problems can be the result of underlying health concerns. Erectile Dysfunction can occur when there is a problem with the pituitary gland which controls sexual functions in the body. Sometimes the pituitary gland can shrink due to an illness and this leads to other side effects like erectile problems.
The most common treatment for erectile dysfunction is called Viagra, which comes in the brand name of Cialis. This medication is taken by men that have erectile problems. It is taken as an injection into the penis and is taken one to three times per day. There are other over-the-counter medicines and treatments like suppositories, lubricants and devices like penis pumps and devices for enucleation available also.
Other medications that may help with erection problems or erectile dysfunctions include antihypertensives. These medicines work to control high blood pressure and its symptoms like heart disease. Some of these medicines are taken to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. They have not however been shown to reduce risk of heart disease. Other medicines that can be used to treat erectile problems are antidepressants like Viagra.
There are several other factors besides the above mentioned, that can cause erectile problems. For example smoking, alcohol and diet are all known to contribute to the causes of erectile problem symptoms. You need to keep in mind that it’s not always a single thing that causes this condition. Many times there are multiple factors that are involved. If you suspect that this may be the case then you should consult a health care provider who will test you for other possible conditions and take appropriate action.
Erectile Dysfunction is often more of an embarrassment than a serious sexual health problem. Women are much more likely to report having this type of issue then men. Women usually tend to feel more comfortable discussing the issue with their doctors and try to get more information on the possible causes and treatments. Men usually feel more comfortable to discuss their issues with their friends and don’t feel that much comfort knowing that there are other people out there suffering from similar problems.
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